Discord Archives
All databases are in SQLite 3 format and have 4 tables: messages, users, embeds, and attachments. I recommend this database browser.PNG assets are converted to lossless WebP when possible. Because of space constraints, assets other than server icons are not included.
Pupinia (deleted)
Creation Date: Sun Dec 01 2019 01:46:08 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)Includes all messages until July 15, 2020 at 21:14 UTC.
Server ID: 650588426332012572
131,097 total messages
Other names:
Ryan zamani1 ruls king
Korona Kraft (as of 04/16/2020)
Text only: pupinia_old_650588426332012572_.7z (PGP Signature)
Archive size: 4.68 MiB (21.33 MiB uncompressed)
Assets (not included): 5.06 GiB (6.20 GiB uncompressed)